Common Chemotherapy Protocols for Dog Cancer [MP3]

Ask Dr. Dressler: Common Chemotherapy Protocols

Dr. Dressler delivers a fascinating and important seminar about the second most common conventional cancer treatment: chemotherapy.

If your dog is going through chemo, or if you are contemplating putting him or her through it, there is a lot to know. This seminar will help ground you and orient you to the things every chemo protocol has in common, along with some statistics for some common chemotherapy protocols.

Dr. Dressler covers:

  • Median Survival Time – what does that REALLY mean?
  • Typical drugs used in chemotherapy
  • Typical response times for certain protocols
  • How to administer chemotherapy at home
  • Safety issues
  • Side effects: signs to watch out for
  • Supplements that may help with side effects
  • And much more…

As always, Dr. Dressler also answers questions from members about their dog’s cancer. 

Seminar Details

01:02 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Why we need to examine the efficacy of different chemo protocols.

02:41 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Transitional Cell Carcinoma—what it is and chemo protocols (if any).

05:01 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Hemangiosarcoma—what it is and common conventional protocols.

06:10 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Melanoma—what it is and common conventional protocols.

06:46 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Lymphoma and Lymphosarcoma—what it is and common conventional protocols.

07:58 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Mammary cancer—what it is and common conventional protocols.

10:17 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Mast Cell Tumors—what it is and common conventional protocols.

11:57 Dr. Demian Dressler:

The reality of dealing with cancer using common conventional protocols.

13:31 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Why you need to handle chemo drugs, safely.

18:19 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Why chemotherapy might not be enough.

19:13 Dr. Demian Dressler:

What is maximum tolerated dosing?

19:45 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s questions on metastasis and treatment plan options.

22:42 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s question on Osteosarcoma, diet, and how to give your dog pills.

38:10 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s questions on possible misdiagnosis and mobility aids.

42:03 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Pain management strategies.

43:02 Dr. Demian Dressler:

The side effects of chemotherapy, and handling and disposing of chemotherapy tablets, gloves, and waste, safely.

51:07 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Chemotherapy injections and cleaning up after your dog, safely.

53:59 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s question on best chemo protocol for Mast Cell Tumors with metastasis and overcoming bias towards conventional treatments.

58:20 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s question on Apocaps and life quality.

60:30 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s questions on pain and mobility aids.

65:02 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Common side effects of chemotherapy and supplements that may help to lessen them.

71:12 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Body temperature and chemotherapy.

74:26 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Platelet counts and chemotherapy.

77:13 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Heart toxicity and breathing difficulties.

77:58 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Slippery elm, coenzyme Q10, ginger, krill/fish oil, cimetidine, and cordyceps dosage.

80:24 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s question on doxorubicin.

81:18 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s questions on boosting platelets after chemotherapy.

82:15 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s question on acai berries for dogs with cancer.

83:47 Dr. Demian Dressler:

Answers reader’s question on noni juice for dogs with cancer.

Download Seminar Details for Common Chemotherapy Protocols for Dog Cancer